Norman, OK
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Recent Taxi fare estimates for Norman, OK
Taxi fare from Lake Robbins Drive, The Woodlands, Texas 77380, United States in Norman, OK
Taxi fare from North Terminal Road, Houston, Texas 77032, United States in Norman, OK
Taxi fare from East Cedar Lane Road, Norman, Oklahoma 73026, United States in Norman, OK
Taxi fare from Airport Service Road, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73159, United States in Norman, OK
Taxi fare from Cynthia Circle, Norman, Oklahoma 73072, United States in Norman, OK
Taxi fare to North Freeway, Houston, Texas 77090, United States in Norman, OK
Taxi fare to North Freeway, Houston, Texas 77090, United States in Norman, OK
Taxi fare to Noble, Oklahoma, United States in Norman, OK
Taxi fare to Norman, Oklahoma, United States in Norman, OK
Taxi fare to Will Rodgers World Airport (OKC) in Norman, OK
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