What The Uber?! Uber Rebels against Ban on Rideshares By TaxiFareFinderJune 26, 2015 While many cities are quickly adapting to Uber and its practices, some cities are still reluctant to allow Uber to…
Which Service is Cheapest? By TaxiFareFinderJune 4, 2015 New types of transportation options seem to be popping up daily, each promising to be the cheapest and best way…
How to Use RideShare Apps (Video) By TaxiFareFinderMay 28, 2015 New to rideshares? Not sure how to sign up and call one? TaxiFareFinder created this helpful video to show you…
How to Take a Rideshare By TaxiFareFinderApril 21, 2015 Rideshare services like Uber, Lyft, and others are a growing trend and constantly making headlines. However, the concept of rideshare…
How Safe is Uber? By TaxiFareFinderMarch 26, 2015 Since Uber’s inception there have been numerous reports of Uber rides gone awry and it has led many people to…
Your Rideshare App Guide By TaxiFareFinderDecember 4, 2014 Getting a ride from point A to point B used to be a simple process. You either called a…
Uber vs Taxi: Price Comparison By TaxiFareFinderOctober 20, 2014 With many new transportation options becoming available in cities around the globe, determining the best option is becoming more of…