What The Uber?! Uber Hired 25 Drivers with Criminal Records Including a Murderer! By FeliciaAugust 21, 2015 Another weekly What The Uber story about how Uber isn’t as thorough as they should be when conducting background checks…
A Tale of Uber’s Trials, Tribulations, and Regulations II By TaxiFareFinderAugust 13, 2015 A continuation of part I, we have zeroed in on a few regulatory battles Uber has been involved in within…
The Ups & Downs of the Medallion By TaxiFareFinderAugust 6, 2015 The taxi industry has been going through much turmoil in recent months; from dropping medallion prices to rideshare protests to…
What The Uber?! Uber Tricks Riders with Phantom Cars By TaxiFareFinderJuly 31, 2015 If you are an avid Uber user, then you know the wonderful feeling you get when you turn on…
Fun Ways to use Rideshares By FeliciaJuly 28, 2015 Rideshare companies like Uber are commonly used as a convenient way for people to get from point A to point…
What The Uber?! The Uber “De Blasio Mode” By TaxiFareFinderJuly 24, 2015 It’s What The Uber Friday and we are excited to share this What The Uber moment with you! Since Uber’s…
The Coveted Uber Sixth Star By FeliciaJuly 21, 2015 Most people know about the popular ride share service, Uber, but what many users do not realize is that there…
What The Uber?! Uber Driver Locks Blind Women’s Guide Dog in Car Trunk! By TaxiFareFinderJuly 17, 2015 Uber is in hot water again. This week they are having to defend themselves against two lawsuits claiming that the…
New Rideshare Service – Carma By TaxiFareFinderJuly 16, 2015 This week we have another new rideshare service to share with you and it is quite different than the billion…
What The Uber! UberX, UberBlack, UberPUPPIES?! By TaxiFareFinderJuly 10, 2015 Happy What The Uber Friday! This Friday we have a funny yet kind spirited What The Uber for you to…