Which is better, a traditional taxi or a rideshare like Uber?
Recently, the rideshare and taxi comparison website, RideGuru, released results to a comprehensive rideshare survey detailing how our society views rideshares, taxis, and other methods of ground transportation.
The results were fascinating and more specifically the outcome of rider perception on the ever present “taxi vs. Uber” debate was quite surprising. It seems with all the talk and hoopla surrounding rideshares that taxis, sadly, are becoming a thing of the past, however, 53% of travelers claim to have zero preference between a taxi or rideshare company.
According to a follow up survey, participants revealed that the three main reasons they continuously switch between various taxi and rideshare companies is 1. price, 2. availability, and 3. customer support.
While rideshares tend to be cheaper than taxis, they can be problematic during busy times when few cars are available. Riders have to either wait until demand has died down or pay extreme surge prices, many times paying more than they would with a traditional taxi.
It is also no secret, that Uber’s customer support is not all that helpful. For those riders who value good customer support and the security of knowing their ride will be available when they need it, a good old taxi is the much safer option.
Which do you prefer Uber or Taxi? Comment below!