Taxi Information for Sacramento, CA (as of Jun 28, 2024) |
Metered Rates - Airport (Effective 5/18/2010)
- $3.00 initial charge
- $2.50 for each 1/10 mile
- $25.00 for each hour waiting time
Metered Rates - City of Sacramento
- $4.00 initial charge
- $3.00 for each mile
- $28.00 for each hour waiting time
Additional Charges
- Round-trip between SMF and downtown Sacramento is $56.00
More rate information here.
Números de teléfono de taxis locales
Raystar Taxi | (916) 222-4499 |
Yellow Cab | (916) 442-4696 |
Allo Taxi | (916) 222-6464 |
AmeriCab | (916) 441-5555 |
National Taxi | (916) 444-8294 |
Sacramento | (916) 821-4471 |
Enumere su conpañía de taxis aquí |
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